For clients with known or suspected special needs, Milestones evaluates the specific concerns, abilities and needs of each individual. Our team has particular expertise in developmental disabilities and autism. We provide reports intended to guide the development of appropriate programming.

Our evaluation services primarily include:

  • Transition Assessments that help educational and career planning for adolescents as they approach adulthood
  • Functional Behavioral Assessments (FBAs) that assess why problematic behaviors occur and include recommendations towards treatment
  • Educational Placement Evaluations that assess the appropriateness of a student’s current educational placement/services
  • Behavioral skills assessments that identify a student’s relative strengths and areas in need of intervention (e.g.: Assessment of Basic Language & Learning Skills (ABLLS), Assessment of Functional Living Skills (AFLS), Verbal Behavior Milestones Assessment and Placement Program (VB-MAPP))

For further information about the services, or about bilingual support, offered through Milestones, please contact Elena Almodovar at 203-799-4110 ext. 565 or [email protected].