View the documents below for helpful resources for parents of children with autism or other developmental disabilities.
DDS Transition Timeline
Necessary steps to obtain DDS supports and services post graduation.
DDS Cronología De Transición
Pasos necesarios para obtener apoyos y servicios de DDS después la graduación.
Individual & Family Support Resources
Providing assistance to individuals who are eligible for DDS services and reside at home with families or independently.
Recursos de Apoyo al Individuo y la Familia
Proveyendo asistencia a individuos quienes son elegibles para los servicios de DDS y que viven en sus casas con sus familias o independientemente.
IFS Eligibility Fact Sheet
Information regarding eligibility for supports or services from the Department of Developmental Services (DDS).
Employment & Day Services
Learn more about employment and day services through the Department of Developmental Services (DDS).
Resources for Families & Students
Providing information concerning educational, safety, mental health, and food security resources and programs.
Free Screenings
Milestones offers free screenings for children aged 12 months to 6 years, guiding families on next steps and resources.
Benefits of ABA Therapy
ABA therapy at Milestones improves communication, social skills, and independence for children with autism.